Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cube Addiction

About a month ago, I got my first Rubik’s Cube.  The Rubik’s Cube was a 3 by 3 by 3.  I got interested in solving it and watched a video on YouTube.  The video was called How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube by Dan Brown.  The first time I watched the video, I got very confused.  I counted how many times I had to watch the video and it turned out to be 5 times.  I made my brother take notes on how to solve a Rubik’s Cube.  When I finally solved it, I copied the notes onto a note card.  Now my goal was to try to memorize it. The moves are called algorithms.  Some moves are R Ri D Di.  Isn’t this complicated?  But you will understand this better when you know what the sides are.  Finally I got this memorized.  While I was watching how to solve a Rubik’s Cube, I saw a video on how to solve it faster.  It said to put silicone in the Rubik’s cube.  So first let me explain the steps on how to lubricate your Rubik’s Cube.  What I did was turn the top layer 45 degrees.  Then, I pried out the middle piece with a screw driver.  I put silicone in it then popped the piece back in.  It magically transformed from a stiff cube into an extremely smooth cube.  But I after I played the Rubik's Cube for so long, the silicone started to wear off.  Finally I decided to put butter in the Rubik’s Cube.  I did the same steps except that I took the whole cube apart.  I buttered each piece and put the whole cube back together.  This made the cube even smoother.  Now my fastest time is 1 minute and 4 seconds.  Some other users to visit on how to solve a Rubik's Cube are the Sergsb, MeMyselfAndPie and, Rubik's Cube.  Also now I am learning on how to learn a 4 by 4 cube.  This the nickname is called Rubik's Revenge.  


  1. I do not understand how the time is accurate to skill. The cube is different almost every time you solve it. Sometimes it is shuffled differently than other times. Sometimes it will be easier to solve, and sometimes it will be harder to solve. You should measure the speed on a same difficulty shuffled Rubik's Cube.

  2. I have never tried to solve one of these things, so it never occurred to me to lubricate it. I must admit that I thought putting butter on it was pretty gross. Still, I applaud your ingenuity!

  3. Brandon I officially think that you and Jonathan have made Rubiks cube popular. Now everyone has a rubiks cube in the 5th grade. I wonder if i should get a Rubiks cube now but great article.

  4. Great Post! I always have a lot of fun trying to solve the rubix cube. I don't understand how to do it. I always mess up. I need your help.
