Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My first tennis junior team

On January 12, I went to a Junior Tennis Team in Elk Grove.  This was my first time going to this team.  I got there at 1:30 and it was the most embarrassing time of my life.  I saw my tennis coach and asked him where I should go, and he said go where all the other kids are.  I looked around and saw that there were hundreds of them.  They were all exercising.  My tennis coach told me to go and exercise with them.  Finally we all separated into 3 different groups.  I was in the regular tennis ball group.  I felt so embarrassed because I was new and I didn't know anybody.  When I entered the court, everyone just stared at me.  I just wished that the tennis team had ended already.    When we were ranked, I was placed last place.  I was the worst out of all of them.  But fortunately, I made one friend.  We first warmed up, stretched, and then we went onto to practicing doing our forehand, backhand, and serving.  Next, I played matches against two people.  One of the people was named Josh.  I missed every serve and missed every shot.  Unfortunately I lost both of them.  The first score of the game was 1-4 and the second score of the game was 4-6.  We I finished my matches, I played against random people.  Finally my mom came to pick me up at 3:30.  This was a good experience for me and I know I will get better.  Practice makes perfect!!!!!!!


  1. It can be really hard to go somewhere and not know anyone, especially when you have to play in front of people. You have a good attitude though. Everyone has to start somewhere!

  2. Don't worry if you are not good at tennis right now. It is a hard sport to learn and play, but over time you will get the hang of it.
